A Message from the Commissioner
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 1, 2021 – The V.I. Department of Labor (VIDOL) wishes the territory a “Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month!” The V.I. Department of Labor supports everyone who has fought or is continuing to fight Breast Cancer. The following organizations are non-profit organizations within the territory that are doing great work related to this disease. To continue the fight in our community, please join the VIDOL in supporting the following organizations:
In addition to other illnesses, breast cancer has made a major impact on our community. We are commemorating this month as a reminder to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around breast examinations to identify possible symptoms earlier because early detection and treatment can save lives.
Join VIDOL as the department celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness month by supporting those who have beaten breast cancer, remembering those who have lost their fight, and encouraging those that are continuing to fight this disease.